Lígia Cortez

Director of Célia Helena Center of Arts and Education, which comprises two artistic teaching institutions: the Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena (ESCH) and the Teatro-Escola Célia Helena (TECH). She is also director of the Casa do Teatro, an institution dedicated to the education of children and youth through art.

Responsible for the elaboration of the course’s pedagogical project (PPC) and institutional development plan (PDI) of the Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena (ESCH), approved with the highest grade (5) of the Evaluating Committee of Graduation Courses, assigned by the Brazilian Ministry of Education in July, 2007.

Ligia Cortez began her career at 16 years old. With extensive experience as an actress in the movies and theater, she worked with renowned directors such as Antunes Filho, José Celso Martinez Corrêa, Ron Daniels, Fauzi Arap, Flávio de Souza, Roberto Lage, Hamilton Vaz Pereira, Sérgio Bianchi and Robert Wilson.

A teacher of the Professionalizing Course in Theater at Teatro-Escola Célia Helena (TECH), lecturer and visiting professor at the University of São Paulo in the Actor’s Direction class of the Audiovisual graduation degree course, at the Escola de Comunicação e Artes (ECA-USP). In addition, she was coordinator of theater courses for children and adults at the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (MAM).

She is an editor at the scientific journal Olhares, a journal of the postgraduate course in the Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena (ESCH), and responsible for editing the bilingual (English/Portuguese) book of the Connections Project, “New Dramaturgy for Young People,” in cooperation with the British Council, the National Theatre London, Colégio São Luis and Cultura Inglesa.